Sourav B. Roy

You can reach me on Telegram

Cover Letter

The mind is a scattered thing.
It concerns itself
with thousands of different items at once.
Things you see around you.
Things you hear and smell.
Things you think about.
Things you try not to think about.
You must learn to concentrate such that
you can visualize at will one item,
one item only, and nothing else.
If you work hard, you may be able
to concentrate your conscious mind
on any one object you select
for around three and one-half minutes.
This will take
about 20 years of diligent, daily effort.
"Twenty years!" I cried.
Twenty years. It may take longer.
That's the usual time,
if you are able to do it at all.
I'll be an old man by then!
The time varies.
Some take ten years, some take thirty.
On extremely rare occasions,
a special person comes along
who's able to develop the power
in only one or two years,
but this is one in a billion. Not you.
Is it that difficult
to concentrate the mind--
Almost impossible. Try it and see.
Shut your eyes and think of something.
Think of just one object.
Visualize it. See it before you.
In a few seconds, your mind will wander.
Other thoughts will creep in.
It's a very difficult thing.
Thus spoke the great, wise, old yogi.